Does this winter have you down? Are you dreaming of warmer days? Here are a few tips for not only getting through this long winter, but enjoying it!
1. Mindset Matters: Carol Dweck, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist, has spent over 30 years studying success and achievement. In her book, "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success", she describes a study of college students and their experiences during long winters, those that had a fixed mindset (this is the way I am) were more likely to become debilitated by depression, while those with a growth mindset, who might have felt pretty miserable, responded with action and kept up with their lives. "The worse they felt, the more determined they became!" By working on expanding our growth mindset – seeing that change is possible – we’ll find motivation that will not only get us through this season, but will set us up to enjoy it! It doesn’t take much of a mindset shift to have a truly positive winter.
1. Get Outside: Tromso, Norway is so far north that from late November to late January, the sun never climbs above the horizon, and yet depression rates are low. Kari Leibowitz, PhD student at Stanford University, discovered in her research that the key to finding joy during the long dark winters in Tromso was to keep going outside, no matter the weather. Leibowitz reminds us, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.” Getting outside for even a short about of time will make a difference.
2. Play: Play is an important source of relaxation and stimulation. It will fuel our imagination, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and emotional well-being. For greatest benefit include at least one other person or a pet! Put something on the calendar: game night, a hike, or a class that might lead to a new hobby. Recently, I had a great time trying out “Cardio Drumming” for the first time (look it up on YouTube for some good laughs)! Attending a painting class with friends is another way to bring some energy to the dark winter months. Play is not just for children, it benefits up though participating and anticipating!
Include others in your adventures!
What would you add to this list? Right now, I am looking out the window at some beautiful snow coming down and thinking of when I’ll be snowshoeing this week.
Wendy Dellis is a certified wellness coach. She joins years of training and work in the area of behavior change, experience as a fitness instructor and run club coordinator with a passion for adventure and people. She lives in Minnesota with her husband, Jay, and two sons.
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