Beyond the obvious — nutrition, exercise, and sleep —there are some important aspect of well-bing that we may not be thinking about. Having a strong sense of purpose, embracing the beauty of vulnerability, feeding your curiosity, and investing in others will notably influence our sense of health and wellness!
Cultivate Your Purpose:
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash
Alan Rozanski, a respected cardiologist, says that PURPOSE is "the deepest driver of well-being..." A study published in JAMA Network Open found that people without a strong life purpose were more than twice as likely to die during a 4 year period when compared with people who had a clear purpose. One of the authors of the study, Celeste Leigh Pearce, was so impacted by the results that she went from approaching this study with skepticism to developing an entire research program focused on purpose. Brad Stulberg, author of The Passion Paradox, put it this way, "cultivating a cohesive sense of direction, core values, and connection with something beyond yourself is important." Take time to reflect on your sense of purpose and where it comes from.
Embrace Vulnerability:
Photo by Court Prather on Unsplash
Embracing the "Beautiful Mess Effect" , according to science, can help create joy, because embracing our imperfections can help reduce stress, while bringing us closer to others. Author, Chidera Eggerue, argues we can all benefit from embracing a “beautiful mess” attitude, which is not about living a disorganized, messy life, but instead, embracing our imperfections, and being okay with showing our VULNERABILITY.
Curiosity Over Passion:
Is it really about finding your passion?! Researchers call this a "Fit Mindset of Passion", and over 75 percent of people believe that we should feel our passion from the get-go and follow it. This search for perfection, can make it very easy to quit when the going gets tough. In contrast with a "Development Mindset" we talk to ourselves differently, simply saying, “this is interesting.” Studies show that those who have "Development Mindsets" are more likely to end up with sustainable and energizing passions. The bottom line: Feed your CURIOSITY by giving yourself time to dig in! It’s amazing how much just one or two blocks of undistracted focus per day can do to improve your mood.
Invest in Others:
"Data across 308,849 individuals, followed for an average of 7.5 years, indicate that individuals with adequate social relationships have a 50% greater likelihood of survival compared to those with poor or insufficient social relationships. The magnitude of this effect is comparable with quitting smoking and it exceeds many well-known risk factors for mortality (e.g., obesity, physical inactivity)." When we INVEST in others we improve not only their well-being, but also our own!
Consider these aspects of well-being! Ask yourself…
How did I lean into my purpose today?
did i fail well?
Did I feed my curiosity with focused attention?
Who did I invest in today?
End of my first Trail 1/2 Marathon
Wendy Dellis is a certified wellness coach. She joins years of training and work in the area of behavior change, experience as a fitness instructor and run club coordinator with a passion for adventure and people. She lives in Minnesota with her husband, Jay, and two sons.
The information contained on this page is for general information purposes only. Nothing here should be construed as medical or healthcare advice, but only topics for discussion. No physician-patient relationship exists; please consult your physician before making changes in diet or lifestyle.