
Distraction Fighting Strategies That Work!

Distraction Fighting Strategies That Work!

Are you trying to get focused?! Since there are a number of costs to being distracted - cognitive costs (having to retrace our steps to pick up where we left off), mental health costs (increased stress), and productivity costs (our inability to complete tasks) - our overall well-being will improve by taking time to implement strategies to fight distraction!

Strategies to Fight Distraction

Strategies to Fight Distraction

Since there are a number of costs to being distracted - cognitive costs (having to retrace our steps to pick up where we left off), mental health costs (increased stress), and productivity costs (our inability to complete tasks) - our overall well-being will improve by taking time to implement strategies to fight distraction!

Strategies to Stop Procrastination

Strategies to Stop Procrastination

I know I’m late to the party, but watching Stranger Things has me turning down dates to Starbucks and procrastinating on my blog writing (two things I love to do), so you can imagine the battle that exists when it comes to pulling weeds and making dinner!! Seems to me that this is a good time to review some valuable strategies that will help us all battle procrastination!