Who Am I?
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
"Your identity is the STORY you tell yourself about your actions..., but it also is your ACTIONS." In other words, identity is the structure from which our plans originate. Jordan Peterson expands on what he was saying with, "There are all kind of problems you need to solve for today, but you need to solve them in a way that doesn't screw up tomorrow too bad."
Who Do I Want to Become?
As humans, we can let go of something we value in the present to gain something we value even more in the future! Taking time to think through what is truly important to us is foundational in this process, because it gives us a lens to evaluate our choices and the intrinsic motivation for meaningful actions! I heard Dr Peter Attia on his recent podcast called “The Drive” talking about his personal mission statement: ”I will start prioritizing my eulogy over my resume." When making decisions, he can ask himself, “Is this prioritizing my eulogy over my resume?” Currently, I use the acronym LIVE, which stands for my top four values: LOVE whole-heartedly, live INTENTIONALLY, make VALUE-BASED DECISIONS (vs fear-based decisions), and prioritize what is ENERGIZING while seeking to be an ENERGIZER in other’s lives.
“Taking time to think through what is truly important to us is foundational in this process, because it gives us a lens to evaluate our choices and the intrinsic motivation for meaningful actions! ”
Think Upstream!
Shane Morris, calls his podcast “Upstream” in order to describe its purpose saying: “your life doesn’t have to be at the mercy of the current. There’s a bigger story afoot than the river you’re standing in at the moment….you can be an active participant…(by) uncovering the ideas you didn’t know were shaping your life and pushing you along…and discover(ing) the firm footing that will allow you to be every bit the person God made you to be.” I like this visual! THINK UPSTREAM! This will determine the story you tell yourself and the actions you take!
Plan Backward from Our Desired Identity:
Photo by Mitchell Kmetz on Unsplash
The ultimate purpose of our habits is to solve the problems of life with as little energy and effort as possible. Since our identity emerges out of our habits, every action is a vote for the type of person we wish to become. With that in mind, the most effective way to change our habits is to focus not on what we want to achieve, but on who we wish to become. James Clear in “Atomic Habits” writes about a friend who lost over 100 pounds by thinking UPSTREAM about her identity. All day long she would ask herself, 'What would a healthy-person do?' Using this question as a guide for the smallest of decisions.
What does this thought process look like?
*Each time I write a page, I am an-intentional-contributor.
*Each time I start a workout, I am lover-of-life.
*Each time I follow a healthy recipe, I am a food-as-energy-advocate.
*Each time I read a chapter, I am a life-long-learner.
*Each time I weed my garden, I am a lover-of-God’s-beauty.
Simply put, Clear says there are two steps to change!
1) Decide the type of person you want to be.
2) Prove it to yourself with small wins.