waist circumference

Three Simple Strategies for Weight Loss That Don't Involve Counting Calories!

Three Simple Strategies for Weight Loss That Don't Involve Counting Calories!

There was a point in time that 20 pounds snuck up on me. When I made the discovery, I did what everyone in the 1980’s would do (only this was 2002), I turned to Richard Simmons and his Food Mover. The Food Mover is a plastic “pocket book” with windows that you close when you’ve eaten a serving of fat, starch, fruit, vegetable etc. For example, if all my starch windows were closed, then I could not eat any more bread, pasta, potatoes etc. that day. As silly as it sounds, this plan worked; I lost the weight. It was successful for two key reasons, it was simple and gave me increased awareness. The following research-based strategies for loosing unwanted weight are simple and effective, while not requiring a person to carry a plastic “pocket book” around.