time-restricted eating

Change WHEN You Eat For Improved Health!

Change WHEN You Eat For Improved Health!

WHEN we eat impacts how our circadian cycle functions. Human trials are now demonstrating the potential health benefits of time-restricted eating (TRE), and there are many!

Three Simple Strategies for Weight Loss That Don't Involve Counting Calories!

Three Simple Strategies for Weight Loss That Don't Involve Counting Calories!

There was a point in time that 20 pounds snuck up on me. When I made the discovery, I did what everyone in the 1980’s would do (only this was 2002), I turned to Richard Simmons and his Food Mover. The Food Mover is a plastic “pocket book” with windows that you close when you’ve eaten a serving of fat, starch, fruit, vegetable etc. For example, if all my starch windows were closed, then I could not eat any more bread, pasta, potatoes etc. that day. As silly as it sounds, this plan worked; I lost the weight. It was successful for two key reasons, it was simple and gave me increased awareness. The following research-based strategies for loosing unwanted weight are simple and effective, while not requiring a person to carry a plastic “pocket book” around.

Are There Ways to Reduce My Chances of Breast Cancer?

Are There Ways to Reduce My Chances of Breast Cancer?

You may have heard the recommendations to breastfeed, don’t smoke, be cautious with hormone replacement, and avoid stress (anyone else feel stressed just by being told stress is dangerous?!). They all are valid, but what else is there? Are there small changes that might have the biggest results (more on the 80/20 Principle here)?

Introduction to Time-Restricted Eating

Introduction to Time-Restricted Eating

I have wanted to write a blog on time-restricted eating for awhile, but struggled with condensing the information down into a short quick read. While wellness coaching this week I was inspired to focus on an introduction that I can elaborate on in the future.