Why Do I Keep Hearing About Blueberries?!

Blueberries are full of pant compounds that will benefit us head to toe, so thankfully Costco sells super-sized bags of wild frozen blueberries!

berries, antioxidants and sugar

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) report is a great resource for checking the antioxidant power of different fruits (and veggies, herbs, etc.) This is a database of antioxidant levels compiled by scientists at the National Institutes of Health. The highest ratings per 100 grams among fruits go mostly to berries: acai, chokeberries, elderberries, cranberries, wild blueberries, black currants, blackberries and raspberries. Choosing berries over other fruits is a good way to keep the sugar content down. By looking at the glycemic load, we can better understand how much carbohydrate (sugar) is in the food. Berries and cherries offer the best choices with not just high ORAC values but also with a lower glycemic load.


benefits of blueberries

fresh or frozen?

Frozen wild blueberries are a great option when looking to add blueberries to our diet. Since they are frozen right after being picked, they actually tend to have a higher antioxidant count than fresh blueberries. Fresh are still a great option, especially when they are in season. A fun option is to go pick your own blueberries, and freeze the leftovers. Either way, the wild blueberries have a higher ORAC value than the usual grocery store variety.

dr. rhonda patrick’s smoothie

Dr. Rhonda Patrick is one of my “go to” sources of health information. This smoothie is packed full of micronutrients. In the video she explains why she included the foods (i.e. blueberries) she did. This smoothie to not only super healthy, but also tasty! I promise.

Wendy Dellis is a certified wellness coach. She joins years of training and work in the area of behavior change, experience as a fitness instructor and run club coordinator with a passion for adventure and people. She lives in Minnesota with her husband, Jay, and two sons.

Blueberry picking

Blueberry picking

The information contained on this page is for general information purposes only. Nothing here should be construed as medical or healthcare advice, but only topics for discussion. No physician-patient relationship exists; please consult your physician before making changes in diet or lifestyle.