Healthy Eating

Prioritize Magnesium

Prioritize Magnesium

Back a number of years ago an ER doc we were having dinner with informed me that all taking magnesium had to offer me was diarrhea. Since then I have learned a few things… ER doctors might not be my best source of nutritional advice, and not only will it get rid of my muscle twitches during marathon training, but there is a lot of research to support its importance to our overall health.

Turmeric or Curcumin

Turmeric or Curcumin

The curcumin extract (yellow pigment) is its most studied active ingredient with over 9000 publications pointing to its expansive therapeutic value. Even though scientist do not fully understand the mechanism, lab studies have identified some key reason to consider adding turmeric to our routines.

I Don't Really Like Raw Vegetables!

I Don't Really Like Raw Vegetables!

If I were to depend on raw vegetables to meet my daily requirement for good health I would be a pretty big failure! If they are cut and in front of me, I will eat some, and not dislike them, but if I am honest, they really don’t excite me. I have found ways to increase the amount of vegetables I am eating, and you might be surprised to find out that some of these options provide benefits that eating raw veggies don’t.

Vitamin D Improves Immunity and More

Vitamin D Improves Immunity and More

While many are deficient in Vitamin D, there continues to be new information about the positive effects it has on our well-being.

Iron 101

Iron 101

This week I found out that another person I care about has an iron deficiency….not anemia, but low ferritin levels. In hindsight, this may have been going on for quite sometime, but because typically doctors check hemoglobin levels only iron deficiency without anemia can be missed.