Dazed By The Bad Weather Days!

If you, like me, have times where the weather has you thinking “enough already”, this blog will be a helpful list of healthy ways to embrace the day.

  1. embrace playfulness

    Research shows, playful adults have the ability to transform everyday situations, even stressful ones, into something entertaining. Play offers a sense of engagement and pleasure, and takes us out of a sense of time and place, and the experience of doing becomes more important than the outcome. More thoughts on play and getting outside here.

2. Heat up in the sauna

Beyond the obvious of simply being a relaxing, warm, and peaceful escape, sauna use has many benefits including a decrease in depression and anxiety. Sauna use is even known to decrease all cause mortality by 40%! For more information about the benefits of the sauna go here.

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

3. go to a museum

Museums benefit health and wellbeing in lots of ways including positive social experiences, acquiring new skills, and increasing positive emotions.

Photo by Ryan Stefan on Unsplash

Photo by Ryan Stefan on Unsplash

4. hug it out

Our level of oxytocin raises when we hug, which causes a reduction in blood pressure and the stress hormone norepinephrine, and likely increases happiness and decreases stress.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

5. help someone

Studies show that volunteering enhances an individual’s overall sense of purpose and identity, and has many benefits both physically and mentally, including increased happiness and reduced likelihood of depression. Whether it is helping a neighbor or volunteering for a local food shelf it is a win/win.

Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

6. share a coffee with a friend

Coffee drinking can increase our energy level and happiness, while fighting depression. The impact of spending time with friends are well known, so combining the two will make our rainy days much better.

Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

7. build a fire

Anything that will calm our nerves is beneficial for our health. Stress can add significantly to a list of mental and physical health issues, which include obesity, blood pressure, cancer, depression, and heart attack. A fireplace (no matter the kind;)) will help us relax and have both a better day and better quality of sleep.


8. play a game

Board games help us feel good and have fun. This will bring life and joy to a day that is otherwise heading in the wrong direction because of the weather.

9. create the rainbow together

Spending quality time together cooking will not only lead to bonding, but will increase health and happiness. A variation of this is to take a cooking class together. Brightly colored foods will liven up the gloomiest of days.

10. enjoy Your pet

Our furry friends improve the quality of our life. Owning a pet can decrease depression, stress and anxiety; health-wise, it can lower blood pressure, improve our immunity and even decrease our risk of heart attack and stroke. For those that don’t have a pet, visiting the local animal shelter could benefit you and the animals.


11. plan for future fun

Have you ever had this experience? Some great play or performer has come to town, but the show is sold out, and you don’t have tickets. How about using some time during a “bad weather day” to research and schedule some future opportunities…maybe even a trip!

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

12. buy some flowers

A study by Harvard University found an increase in compassion, feeling less negative, and more energetic. Texas A & M University found that flowers and plants in the workplace improve problem solving skills and increase creativity.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

13. listen to music

One of the most meaningful and energizing experiences for me is participating in music as worship. How does music impact your life? Different styles of music serve different purpose. What music will calm and relax? Energize and focus? Analyze its impact, and create some playlists that will positively influence your day.

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

14. use essential oils

Essential Oils have mood properties. A few include alertness/peppermint, happiness/orange, joy/lemon and peace/frankincense. This is tried-and-tested by a dear family member who is an expert at finding joy during multiple Seattle overcast days.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

15. escape through a book

We can travel through time and space by settling down with a good book. This can greatly improve any day, whether we are sitting on the beach or curled up on the sofa piled high with pillows and blankets on a bad weather day.

Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash

16. give gratitude a try

Gratitude can transform our days! Studies have found that participants who did gratitude exercises and expressed thanks for the small things in life enhanced their well-being and life satisfaction.

Photo by gabrielle cole on Unsplash

17. try something new or old

Are there activities or hobbies you have thought about learning or re-visiting? This may be knitting, boldering, painting, or pickle ball. Whatever it is. improve your day by participating today.

Photo by bady qb on Unsplash

Photo by bady qb on Unsplash

what would you add to this list?!

Ran in the snow on October 14, 2018!

Ran in the snow on October 14, 2018!

Wendy Dellis is a certified wellness coach. She joins years of training and work in the area of behavior change, experience as a fitness instructor and run club coordinator with a passion for adventure and people. She lives in Minnesota with her husband, Jay, and two sons.

The information contained on this page is for general information purposes only. Nothing here should be construed as medical or healthcare advice, but only topics for discussion. No physician-patient relationship exists; please consult your physician before making changes in diet or lifestyle.