
How to Maximize the Benefits of Coffee

How to Maximize the Benefits of Coffee

Earlier this year a study published in JAMA concluded that coffee drinking reduced mortality (even for those drinking 8 or more cups/day and those with a genetic mutation that impacts the rate of caffeine metabolism). According to these finding, it didn't matter whether we are drinking decaf or regular, both are beneficial. Yahoo for coffee!

Are There Ways to Reduce My Chances of Breast Cancer?

Are There Ways to Reduce My Chances of Breast Cancer?

You may have heard the recommendations to breastfeed, don’t smoke, be cautious with hormone replacement, and avoid stress (anyone else feel stressed just by being told stress is dangerous?!). They all are valid, but what else is there? Are there small changes that might have the biggest results (more on the 80/20 Principle here)?

Dazed By The Bad Weather Days!

Dazed By The Bad Weather Days!

If you, like me, have times where the weather has you thinking “enough already”, this blog will be a helpful list of healthy ways to embrace the day.

Cannibalism for Health!?

Cannibalism for Health!?

Yes! Cell-cannibalism, called autophagy, has huge health benefits. Also described as a recycling process, autophagy, is more than just a fun word to toss around!