
Was Running 21 Marathons Healthy?!

Was Running 21 Marathons Healthy?!

In less than ten years I ran 21 marathons. On top of enjoying the running friendships and fun destination marathons, I was convinced that the health benefits were undeniable. Then I started to hear about “the bell curve” in exercise. Clearly being a couch potato was bad for my health, but could excess exercise be equally dangerous?!?

How Much Should I Exercise?!

How Much Should I Exercise?!

In less than ten years I ran 21 marathons. On top of enjoying the running friendships and fun destination marathons, I was convinced that the health benefits were undeniable. Then I started to hear about “the bell curve” in exercise. Clearly being a couch potato was bad for my health, but could excess exercise be equally dangerous?!?

Cannibalism for Health!?

Cannibalism for Health!?

Yes! Cell-cannibalism, called autophagy, has huge health benefits. Also described as a recycling process, autophagy, is more than just a fun word to toss around!