Healthy Eating

Three Simple Strategies for Weight Loss That Don't Involve Counting Calories!

Three Simple Strategies for Weight Loss That Don't Involve Counting Calories!

There was a point in time that 20 pounds snuck up on me. When I made the discovery, I did what everyone in the 1980’s would do (only this was 2002), I turned to Richard Simmons and his Food Mover. The Food Mover is a plastic “pocket book” with windows that you close when you’ve eaten a serving of fat, starch, fruit, vegetable etc. For example, if all my starch windows were closed, then I could not eat any more bread, pasta, potatoes etc. that day. As silly as it sounds, this plan worked; I lost the weight. It was successful for two key reasons, it was simple and gave me increased awareness. The following research-based strategies for loosing unwanted weight are simple and effective, while not requiring a person to carry a plastic “pocket book” around.

Vitamin C: What The Research Actually Says About It's Benefits

Vitamin C: What The Research Actually Says About It's Benefits

Vitamin C, a micronutrient found naturally in a number of brightly colored fruits and vegetables including oranges, lemons, papaya, peppers, broccoli, and kale, is also called ascorbic acid or ascorbate (when acid is neutralized, for example by adding baking soda). According to research, up to one-third of the US population are deficient in this important vitamin.

How to Maximize the Benefits of Coffee

How to Maximize the Benefits of Coffee

Earlier this year a study published in JAMA concluded that coffee drinking reduced mortality (even for those drinking 8 or more cups/day and those with a genetic mutation that impacts the rate of caffeine metabolism). According to these finding, it didn't matter whether we are drinking decaf or regular, both are beneficial. Yahoo for coffee!