
Uncomfortable Grace

Uncomfortable Grace

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the struggles? Finding yourself “waiting for another shoe to drop”?! You too?! Come sit next to me; I’ll pour you a coffee. I know we can’t solve each others’ problems, but maybe we can remind each other that we are loved and valued. Even if you aren’t convinced, if you would, could you remind be of these things I believe…

Running Books

Running Books

Over the past 60+ years, there have been many books written related to running. Some are focused on training, others on famous runners (Frank Shorter, Dean Karnazes, or Scott Jurek to name a few). And there are those books that detail historical events (Roger Bannister breaking the 4-minute mile, for example). Many are philosophical/inspirational/motivational (think of the ‘inner runner”, etc). The best books tend to combine some of these multiple elements to weave an entertaining story. Below are just one runner’s thoughts on some of the books that I’ve read (or plan/hope to read soon).

Christmas Laughs

Christmas Laughs

For many years I wrote a Christmas letter, but a few years ago I decided to let go of the tradition. During an often busy and stressful time of the year, both personally and professionally, I decided to take a break from placing this expectation on myself. I sat down today, and read through letter from the boys younger years. These letters were full of mishaps and mischief. Since laughter is good for our health, I thought this week I would simply share some laughs.