
Get Your Hormones in Order!

Get Your Hormones in Order!

Hormones, produced by our endocrine glands (i.e. adrenals, thyroid, pancreas and ovaries or testes), are essential for maintaining our overall health and well-being, because of their roll in communicating warnings and messages throughout the body in order to keep everything running smoothly. When our endocrine system is out of balance the sooner we can respond, the less likely we are to suffer chronic issues.

Are There Ways to Reduce My Chances of Breast Cancer?

Are There Ways to Reduce My Chances of Breast Cancer?

You may have heard the recommendations to breastfeed, don’t smoke, be cautious with hormone replacement, and avoid stress (anyone else feel stressed just by being told stress is dangerous?!). They all are valid, but what else is there? Are there small changes that might have the biggest results (more on the 80/20 Principle here)?