Healthy Eating

Big Motivation To Reduce The Sugar!

Big Motivation To Reduce The Sugar!

How many times do you have to introduce a savory food vs a sugary food to an infant before they will accept it? Studies show that it takes a median of 13 times for savory food and only 1 time for sweet foods. That explains a lot!!

Improving Your Gut: Beyond Probiotics

Improving Your Gut: Beyond Probiotics

Wow! How things have changed. It is easy to remember a time when we were not talking about gut health, the microbiome, and microbes, and now it’s hard NOT to come across an article that speaks to the huge impact our gut health has on our overall health and wellbeing. Today we are not going to get into the what’s and why’s, but instead we are going to focus on two simple changes (that have nothing to do with taking probiotics) that we can make to improve our gut health.