Wellness Information

How to Interpret the Results of Research

How to Interpret the Results of Research

As we make decisions about health and wellness it is helpful to know what some frequently used terms mean. In doing so, we can determine the weight to place on a particular lifestyle change. This can be confusing, resulting in unvalidated fears and believing claims that don’t fit reality. By knowing the meaning of some key words, we can more easily look at research to determine the actions that will give us the greatest opportunity for health.

How to Maximize the Benefits of Coffee

How to Maximize the Benefits of Coffee

Earlier this year a study published in JAMA concluded that coffee drinking reduced mortality (even for those drinking 8 or more cups/day and those with a genetic mutation that impacts the rate of caffeine metabolism). According to these finding, it didn't matter whether we are drinking decaf or regular, both are beneficial. Yahoo for coffee!

Are There Ways to Reduce My Chances of Breast Cancer?

Are There Ways to Reduce My Chances of Breast Cancer?

You may have heard the recommendations to breastfeed, don’t smoke, be cautious with hormone replacement, and avoid stress (anyone else feel stressed just by being told stress is dangerous?!). They all are valid, but what else is there? Are there small changes that might have the biggest results (more on the 80/20 Principle here)?

How Much Should I Exercise?!

How Much Should I Exercise?!

In less than ten years I ran 21 marathons. On top of enjoying the running friendships and fun destination marathons, I was convinced that the health benefits were undeniable. Then I started to hear about “the bell curve” in exercise. Clearly being a couch potato was bad for my health, but could excess exercise be equally dangerous?!?