Wellness Information

Iron: the Good, Bad and Ugly

Iron: the Good, Bad and Ugly

This week I found out that I have an iron deficiency….not anemia, but low ferritin levels. In hindsight, this may have been going on for quite sometime, but because typically doctors check hemoglobin levels only iron deficiency without anemia can be missed.

Margin...a Little Word with a Big Impact!

Margin...a Little Word with a Big Impact!

Margin comes from plenty of blank space, both literally and metaphorically. Our physical and emotional space (or lack there of) impacts how we respond to the unexpected events that will inevitably come our way. I’ve heard margin described as “the space that separates us from our limits”. When we give ourselves room to breathe the world becomes a much healthier place.

Three Simple Strategies for Weight Loss That Don't Involve Counting Calories!

Three Simple Strategies for Weight Loss That Don't Involve Counting Calories!

There was a point in time that 20 pounds snuck up on me. When I made the discovery, I did what everyone in the 1980’s would do (only this was 2002), I turned to Richard Simmons and his Food Mover. The Food Mover is a plastic “pocket book” with windows that you close when you’ve eaten a serving of fat, starch, fruit, vegetable etc. For example, if all my starch windows were closed, then I could not eat any more bread, pasta, potatoes etc. that day. As silly as it sounds, this plan worked; I lost the weight. It was successful for two key reasons, it was simple and gave me increased awareness. The following research-based strategies for loosing unwanted weight are simple and effective, while not requiring a person to carry a plastic “pocket book” around.