I Don't Really Like Raw Vegetables!

I Don't Really Like Raw Vegetables!

If I were to depend on raw vegetables to meet my daily requirement for good health I would be a pretty big failure! If they are cut and in front of me, I will eat some, and not dislike them, but if I am honest, they really don’t excite me. I have found ways to increase the amount of vegetables I am eating, and you might be surprised to find out that some of these options provide benefits that eating raw veggies don’t.

Vitamin D Improves Immunity and More

Vitamin D Improves Immunity and More

While many are deficient in Vitamin D, there continues to be new information about the positive effects it has on our well-being.

Zoom Fatigue is a Real Thing!

Zoom Fatigue is a Real Thing!

In many ways, I am thankful for Zoom, Google Meet and FaceTime, and the ability they have to keep us connected, but I have noticed a feeling creep in, a feeling that turns out is not unique to me. It even has been given a name…ZOOM FATIGUE. Here are some ideas on how to manage this new world of video calls.

Distraction Fighting Strategies That Work!

Distraction Fighting Strategies That Work!

Are you trying to get focused?! Since there are a number of costs to being distracted - cognitive costs (having to retrace our steps to pick up where we left off), mental health costs (increased stress), and productivity costs (our inability to complete tasks) - our overall well-being will improve by taking time to implement strategies to fight distraction!

The Benefits of "Sauna Training"

The Benefits of "Sauna Training"

Beyond my increased tolerance for running in the summer heat, there are incredible benefits to spending time in the sauna. In fact, there is a study that shows a 40% decrease in all-case mortality!!