If I were to depend on raw vegetables to meet my daily requirement for good health I would be a pretty big failure! If they are cut and in front of me, I will eat some, and not dislike them, but if I am honest, they really don’t excite me. I have found ways to increase the amount of vegetables I am eating, and you might be surprised to find out that some of these options provide benefits that eating raw veggies don’t.
Vitamin D Improves Immunity and More
Zoom Fatigue is a Real Thing!
In many ways, I am thankful for Zoom, Google Meet and FaceTime, and the ability they have to keep us connected, but I have noticed a feeling creep in, a feeling that turns out is not unique to me. It even has been given a name…ZOOM FATIGUE. Here are some ideas on how to manage this new world of video calls.
Distraction Fighting Strategies That Work!
Are you trying to get focused?! Since there are a number of costs to being distracted - cognitive costs (having to retrace our steps to pick up where we left off), mental health costs (increased stress), and productivity costs (our inability to complete tasks) - our overall well-being will improve by taking time to implement strategies to fight distraction!